Saturday, May 16, 2009

Whats The Difference Between 14k And 14kt

La Guardia Urbana Foreigner

Pompiers Francais - Archive Courret (1890, after the War) - Click to enlarge

An important chapter in the unfortunate story of the fratricidal war in the Pacific is making Lima . The outbreak of hostilities (not the scope of this blog to define the causes of it) in 1879 and after the southern campaign in 1880, Lima gates were in sight of the Chilean army. Thus, in January 1881 he developed the battles of San Juan and Miraflores, with a negative result for the Peruvian troops and the subsequent victory of Chile. We will focus on the issue of foreigners settled in Lima and participation during this difficult time.

Already during the southern campaign of various embassies and consulates had declared its neutrality during the war, his subjects being considered as neutral and their business, supposedly free of the war situation. However, during Mollendo making incidents initiated diplomatic foreign colonies, in this specific case with the Italian colony. In April 1880 the Charge d'Affaires of Italy files a complaint requesting clarification on the status of six of his compatriots (Rubatto Nicholas, Joseph Barabino, Nicholas Conte, Juan Campodonico, Noah and Sebastian Beverini Midolo) who had suffered serious harm on their premises to be taken into port Mollendo (March) by Chilean troops, and that in the case of Nicholas Conte bet the Italian flag on the door of his local was deliberately pulled violently by soldiers Chileans. This started an investigation in July 1880, which were taken statements from several Chilean military, who testified that the Italians had set fire to their stores to save the poor state of their business (Lt. Ramon Arriagada) or they were not aware of these facts (Colonel Martiniano Urriola), concluding the investigation with the lack of accountability of the Chilean military in the case alleged.

Pero también existía hostilidad por parte de la población peruana hacia algunos extranjeros. Es el caso de la persecución de las chilenas casadas con italianos establecidos en el Callao a fines de 1879. Al respecto existe una investigación en la cual se menciona que el 7 de noviembre de 1879 el "pueblo enfurecido" allanó y destruyó los domicilios de los italianos Angelo Baffico, Giuseppe Badanero, Luigi Chosso, Erasmo Airaldi y Luigi Boccardi. Al respecto los afectados expresaron:

" Acta de la declaración del señor Angelo Baffico. El día 27 de noviembre de 1879 en la Cancillería del Consulado de Italia en el Callao, ante mí Domenico Pappalepore Nicholai, Real Vice-Cónsul Callao, accompanied by Mr. Daniele Nattini, serving as chancellor, was established personally Baffico Mr. Angelo, the son of Antonio, a native of Genoa, manager of the Hotel Iquique, located in the city, Constitution Street, who stated that : That the current day 7 and at 3 pm a crowd of about 50 people surrounded tumultuously your room, screaming that they hand over to his wife as Chilean ... that the respondent answered that claim to show the marriage certificate ... doing this that such an act his wife should not be taken by Chile but had Italian nationality of the husband ... not knowing which side to take, his wife did leak through the roof and put under the protection of American Consulate, adjacent to his home ... Appeared

then Mr. Giuseppe Badanero, son of Domenico, a native of Genoa, Italian, dealer ... the same on 7 November, a crowd of women and boys and some men ... invaded around my house, at number 37 of the General Castilla Street, first floor, the crowd began to make threats of violence and fire, if I gave to my wife, who was to blame only be natural Chile. I tried to calm them, making them see that I was Italian and my wife was away ... that people began throwing stones ... the extracted almost forcibly violating my home and took her to the police station and through the trades given by the Consul, I could get them to betray me again ...

... Personally appeared Mr. Luigi Ghiosso, son of Giovanni Battista, born in Lavagna, on its own grocer, residing in this city on Washington Street ... at about 11:30 am on November 7, a mob of more than 200 people ... raided my house, screaming for my wife to surrender was Chilean. Unable to make any resistance, the crowd entered the cellar, knocking down and smashing everything they came to blows ... gave my wife, who was taken to the police station; towards evening I was restored, then I applied to claim the letter I got at the Consulate ...

At six days of November 1879 ... personally appeared Mr. Erasmo Airaldo, son of Agostino, a native of Genoa and domiciled in Callao, used in Italian Hotel, Hanga street, number 31 ... that while I was in my office, I told ... that my house had been robbed by the people. I went to the spot and found the door had been forced, my stolen goods and the lady who was there that were carried by the mob ... Then appeared

Luigi Boccardi, a native of Messina, resident Callao, used in the Café Romano, who lives in the same house Airaldi ... who found all their effects, except the bed, had been stolen, and that his room had the appearance of a recently sacked ... "We see

xenophobic incidents were as the conflict unfolded. In December 1880 is formed on the orders of dictator Nicolas de Pierola the local police to maintain public order in Lima, being composed of foreign residents in Lima, members of the European pumps and some Peruvians. This call was promptly dissolved in January 1881, on the eve of the battle of San Juan and Miraflores. To understand something the excesses that then we will tell, it is important to note the attitude that the Chinese took a lot of working-often in inhumane conditions "in the estates in the south of Lima, specifically in Lurin.

These workers, recruited surreptitiously on many occasions, came to work for 8 years in various places, coastal plantations, railway work, guano islands, etc. Many of them for the time in question were in the condition of Chinese free, ie, had fulfilled their contracts and had moved to Lima, concentrating around the central market and the silent Capon, setting your commercial business retail products, wovens and Asian medicinal products and jewelry among others. However, even many of his compatriots were subject to slave contracts, who as you moved the Chilean army saw these military and their rescuers, since leaving the farmers and their foremen estates, could leak and restore liberty and rights for these workers, coolies often there was no other justice itself was not the foreman, ie, were disenfranchised. Quentin Quintana was an ex-coolies, who had fulfilled his contract, is set to Ica devoted to commercial item. It is known that when approaching the Chilean army, offered them hospitality and collaboration, haranguing his fellow-as discussed below, to support the cause in Chile. It is estimated that about 2000 Chinese participated in the work of the Chilean army, as water vendors, porters, guides, health and even as soldiers.

Quentin Quintana

Thus, the January 14, 1881, write a formal communication addressed to the Chilean headquarters, where he details the following:

"we found 11 the army in Lurin, the commander in chief personally practiced other reconnaissance Chorrillos apparently decided to take at that point the attack ... intercurrían and events in the military, a curious fact and worthy of history, happened between the Chinese . They were approaching the time for a decisive battle, which they should be of great importance, because the outcome hung his own freedom. The Chinese slave race and subject to the law of the former pariah in Peru, saw the triumph of Chile for his redemption, the restoration of their lost rights to work as free men, protected by common law through the practice ... corruption in the kingdom (Peru) above all else, the Chinese are not judges other than their masters, they have expressly made degrading prisons in great inhumanity and barbarism, to lock it at will to the unfortunate Asian, loaded with chains and infringing all sorts of tortures, which just at last cause death, which usually lasts for years ... agony

That colony, numbering 658 individuals, had met in San Pedro Pagoda Lurin, on the day above in a kind of regular chapel extension, looked lit, though not at night, by four Chinese lanterns of various colors, and adorned by a single altar, containing three statues or portraits wood, so those who usually seen on the altars of our churches. The statue or saint of the environment represented Kuong-kong, a kind of Mars for the religion of the settlers, and included a man of great stature, luenga and thick beard and red face with a huge sword in his right hand sword, according to the belief of the faithful, were driven by his Kuongkong nevertheless weigh over 1,000 pounds. The right saint beardless youth depicted a white-faced, who believed Kuongkong son, and called him Yong-long, and the left, a kind of assistant to his war god mentioned, was black and large white eyes, also had sword and called Affaya . Given this rare trinity, a Chinese Mass celebrated something that seemed, and then proceeded to slaughter a cock, symbol of war, whose blood is placed in a flask. That blood bellicose Chinese vowed to be their desire and their votes that weapons of Chile came out victorious, and so he asked respectfully Kuongkong , drinking the blood then mixed with water. All the 658 settlers reached mystified part of liquid. After the ceremony, Chinese Quentin Quintana, chief elected by the colony itself, made a long speech, he spoke of slavery prevailing in Peru and the next freedom and rule of common law. "

Chilean controls south of Lima accompanied by Quentin Quintana - Click to enlarge

Captain Elias Casas in his diary describes the following:

"Sunday, January 9 .-
The thousand or so Chinese who follow the Chilean army and have their separate camp, had a meeting to make a solemn oath, before an altar made by placing the Chilean flag and china, yellow, triangular with a dragon. At this meeting it was agreed that Chile being the protector of them for the good treatment they received, in contrast to the treatment Peruvian they were severely punished stick and very little food, help in all Chileans. To solemnize the oath, agreed to agree with the 10,000 Chinese in Lima, sending a parliamentary letters written in Chinese, so that all Chileans protect and make the greatest evil possible Peruvians, and proceeded to slaughter a cock in a Cuba of water, taking the head a glass of this mixture and pointing his name in a record book in order, they all drank to seal his oath, there is a record of each of them have. "

Scenes like this were quite common, and understandable. The point is that once called the defeat of the Peruvian troops in San Juan and decision-Barranco and Chorrillos, scattered groups of Peruvian soldiers, armed and no leader in sight, hungry after days of campaign, began arriving in Lima. On 14 January to hear the din of battle, many Lima residents left the city and took refuge in the port of Ancona, where he had parked the neutral navy ships, British, French, Italian, German, among others, landing foreign troops from the above vessels in order to protect the refugee population there came from Lima scattered.

On average 15 to 3pm began attacking scattered chinganas and food outlets of the Chinese residents in Lima, due to a mixture of need, hunger and thirst, and xenophobia caused by the known support of some Chinese coolies to the Chilean case. The mobs were sweeping these businesses to start and then started looting of private houses and shops on Italians:

i Making Lima Callao (Chilean version of The News, Journal of Lima) .- According to some, a 2pm and by others to the 3 (day 15) began attacking scattered chinganas and other food establishments of many Asians living here. The troops were without food for a long time. There are several versions of the principle of looting and arson. Some attribute this to fact of having killed a Chinese to a Peruvian guard, which he declined to pass an Inca, and when he did not want Chinese, tried to steal the merchandise. The mob was angry and began to give fire to the premises of the children of the Celestial Empire. The market square of Lima has been reduced to ashes, like the streets of Capon, Zavala and others that were occupied exclusively by Chinese establishments. Also tried to set fire to the population in several parts at once, but fortunately the municipal police stranger took up the matter and arming themselves with rifles to disperse them restableción order, not without a terrible fire of musketry with mutineers all part of the night and morning of 16 ...

Episodes (ratio of a stranger, an eyewitness) .- The army dispersed, began on the night of 15, to walk in groups through the streets, menacing pedestrians and committing depredations, not could be repressed, because all authority was gone ... protesting hunger, took to the beginning on grocery encomenderías of Asian unarmed, tore the door to fire rifle and ax and went to sack them without leaving anything, and immediately rushed to stores wholesale Asian genera, valuable goods stores, selling jewelry, fine silk fabrics, blankets and other works Burato delicate Asian manufacturing. All these stores were also looted ... is estimated at about 1 000.000 soles in value of buildings destroyed and more than 5000.000 stolen species, with only the Asian store-Ton Kin have disappeared over 2,000 000 in jewelry and other valuables ... Still-life streets, Melchormalo, Palace, powder blue, Capon, Albaquitas, Hoyos and almost all remaining below the bridge were so many theaters in these scenes of horror and desolation. In the latter part of the city, not only were attacked and looted stores in Asia, but also some Italian. In the field of Ninfa, owned by a national of that nationality, he found the corpse of its owner in front of the store ...

Pompiers Francais - 1881 (File Courret)

In Through this general chaos, and in the absence of law enforcement (Piérola to be leaving Lima defeated and flees to the Sierra), the Guardia Urbana quickly reconstituted the morning of 16 foreign, seeking arms and ammunition to the sole authority Peruvian left in the city, Mayor Rufino Torrico. Captain Champeaux, Dock dock manager Callao, was the head of the local police, and about 5000 foreigners were brave enough to leave their homes to defend the city threatened by the mob of total destruction. Immediately formed patrols, who went to places invaded to remove groups stationed in the streets. The same witness earlier reference anonymous notes that French colonies, North American, English, English, Swiss, Colombian and Ecuadorian distinguished themselves in this service, especially expensive Ecuadorian Juan Ballen, which is directed to place more dangerous, Hoyos Street, where crowds were concentrated, for being the farthest from the center of the city and there exist many Asian establishments.

Callao also existed in these violations, and arms caused by hungry mobs when not to urban lumpen mixing between them. In this regard the correspondent of the Journal Star of Panama goes like this:

"He suffered no less than Callao Lima, where the mutiny began on 16 and continued in broad daylight 17. By force, the rebels getting the carts would lead the goods they stole. The foreigners, knowing what happened in Lima, decided to impose the law on their own, and were presented as they were getting weapons. They had many casualties, among whom mention Mr. Henrietta, nephew of the late General Halleck, and M. Delvoie known French resident. After four hours of tough fighting and killing 150 enemies, managed to restore order, so that the Chileans entered without resistance that would have given them an excuse to indulge the worst excesses. The guard of foreigners saved, no doubt, at Callao, it also prevented several deposits of gunpowder exploded. One of the guard, Mr. Staples, English nationality, entered the castle and managed to get not to fly the tank containing 70 tons of gunpowder ... "Tomasso Caivano

tells us that there was no alternative, given inability to perform a serious defense of the city, the prevailing civil chaos and the flight of regular military commanders Peruvians, that the surrender of Lima. Was then presented to the Chilean army headquarters in Chorrillos, Mr. Rufino Torrico, mayor of Lima, M. de Vorges, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of France, HE Mr. Spencer St. John, Minister resident SMB Mr. Stierling, British admiral, Mr. Petit-Thouars, French Admiral, and Mr. Labrana, commander of the naval forces of Italy, who agreed to the unconditional surrender of Lima with the promise of a peaceful entry of the Chilean forces to it. Anecdotally, given the destruction in the previous night in Barranco and Chorrillos by Chilean militias, it is said that foreign troops threatened the Chilean fire break and sink its entire fleet of starting something similar in Lima, but there are no written documents regard. Caivano

also tells us the damage occurred by the Chilean military in Barranco and Chorrillos, then a class spas wealthy Lima (the equivalent of today's Asia), where luxury ranches committed in splendor and fine scenery.

Chorrillos Destruction - Archive Courret (1881)

"It is not this is the worst (page 415). Among so many poor people killed in Chorrillos and Barranco, in cold blood or in the fumes of intoxication, are not a few foreigners, most of whom were Italians, and here, in considering the criminal manner in which they were taken the lives of those unfortunate ... English Mac-Lean, octogenarian old doctor, was brutally murdered in his own bed and in the same residence of the Minister of his nation, where it lay secure under the aegis of the British flag, which floated on the roof home and yet was powerless to protect him. Three Italians, a Frenchman and a Portuguese, caught at the edge of the sea on 13 January and detained prisoner without knowing why, were wickedly afternoon shot 14, while another Frenchman who was with them barely bought with money, your life that the terror caused him to lose a few days later. The Italian Borgna, taken prisoner while fleeing to Lima, and detained in a hospital room Chorrillos, was shot dead the morning of 14, by the same soldier who was on guard in their makeshift jail. The Italians Ognio, Cipollina and Nerini, were killed in their own grocery stores, then looted and destroyed. Three other Italians were killed in the streets while tried to get in safe so wild and fierce anger. Leonardi of Montecrestese Italian, was killed dead in his own room, while engaged in rescue his poor wife, just kidding ... "

Thus, during the chaos immediately to the defeat of Peru, the local police responsible for maintaining foreign and restore public order in Lima and Callao.

NOTE: In a previous post we have also referred to Dr. Mac-Lean on diplomatic claims.

------------- (1) Pascual Ahumada: Pacific War. Official documents, correspondence and other publications related to the war, which has given birth to the press in Chile, Peru and Bolivia. Volumes V-VI. Valparaíso 1888. Editorial Andrés Bello.
(2) Pascual Ahumada: War of the Pacific. Official documents, correspondence and other publications related to the war, which has given birth to the press in Chile, Peru and Bolivia. Volumes VII-VIII. Valparaíso 1888. Editorial Andrés Bello.
(3) History of the American War between Chile, Peru and Bolivia. Written by Tommaso Caivano, Arturo Ballesteros and Contin. Posted by Italian Bookshop, Bagheti brothers, 1904.
(4) The Red Army Patrick Lynch. The Clinic N º 260 • Wednesday, September 17, 2008


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