Thursday, July 30, 2009

14 Year Old Dying Hair

FIL Lima 2009

The reason this post is to tell you something important. Yesterday I found in the IDF this copy of the thesis of researcher Janet Worrall (University of Indiana, 1972) on Italian immigration in Peru, translated by Giovanni Bonfiglio and edited by the Italian Institute of Culture - Lima in 1990 (edition exhausted) . The price really low, 10 soles (like the book by Pedro Paz-Soldan Immigration in Peru ", published in 1971 by the Diplomatic Academy.)

For those interested in immigration in the nineteenth-century Peru, the literature on this subject is scarce, something difficult to achieve and in some cases face. However, I noticed that there are many IDF 2009 books at very accessible prices. Here I give you a list of titles and stands where they have for sale:

- Immigration in Peru. Pedro Paz-Soldan. Edited by Diplomatic Academy, 1971. Stand at the Diplomatic Academy.
- The Italian immigrants in Peru, 1860-1914. Janet E. Worrall. Editor Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 1990. Stand at the Embassy of Italy.
- Biographical Dizionario storico degli Italiani "in Perù. Giovanni Bonfiglio. Editor Il Mulino, 1998. Stand at the Embassy of Italy.
- The European presence in Peru. Giovanni Bonfiglio. Fondo Editorial Editor of the Congress of Peru, 2001. Stand the Congress of the Republic of Peru.
- Gringa America. Gabriella Ferrari. Editors Emecé 1998. Stand for V & D distributors.
- Strategies of Asian immigrants living in Peru. Chikako Yamawaki. IEP, 2002. Stand at the Institute of Peruvian Studies.
- Relations between Peru and Germany, 1828-2003. Fabián Novak Talavera, Fabián Novak. Editor PUCP Fondo Editorial, 2004. Stand at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.
- Relations between Peru and France, 1827-2004. Fabián Novak. Editor PUCP Fondo Editorial, 2005. Stand at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.
- Relations between Peru and Spain (1821-2000). Fabián Novak. Editor PUCP Fondo Editorial, 2001. Stand Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.
- Relations between Peru and Italy (1821-2002). Flor de María Valdez Arroyo. Editor PUCP Fondo Editorial, 2003. Stand at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.
- German travelers to Peru, four unknown relationships: Wolfgang Bayer [et. al.]. Estuardo Núñez. Editor Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 1969. Stand at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
- Peru: travel sketches made between 1838 and 1842. Johann Jakob von Tschudi, Peter Kaulicke. Editor Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Fondo Editorial, 2003. Stand at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.
- De los Andes to Para: Ecuador - Peru - Amazon. Marcel Monnier. Illustrated edition. Editor French Institute of Andean Studies, 2005. IFEA stand.
- A History of the French presence in Peru, from the Enlightenment to the Crazy Years. Pascal Riviale. Editor French Institute of Andean Studies, 2008. IFEA stand.

PD1. There is a bookstore specializing in Peru, "Peruvian Culture" in Miraflores against Bowling unfortunately does not stand in the FIL 2009, this library can find copies of the "Bulletin de Lima" and the issue that has made Amazon Monumenta Collections of laws, decrees and resolutions concerning the department of Loreto by Carlos Larrabure. Volume V - C7 is specific "immigration and colonization."
PD2. If you are interested in the history of Pozuzo I recommend the book "Pozuzo - Tyrolean, Rhineland and Bavaria in the jungles of Peru" by Elisabeth Habich-Schwarz and published in English by Pro Kulturverein Pozuzo. Lima: Asociación Pozucina, Ramón Dagnino 369, Jesus Maria.


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