Friday, January 14, 2011

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Vintage in Spain leaves 35 million hl of wine stocks.

Vintage in Spain leaves 35 million hl of wine stocks.

stocks came in Spain in 2010/11 amounted to 35,108,059 hl, according to data from the declarations of wine stocks, updated to November 30, 2010.

Of this, 71% are wines with DOP, 21% for wines without GIs, 6% IGP wines with a 1% varietal wines without DOP or IGP, and 1% for other wines. Within the category
majority of PDO wines, rising to 24.9 million h l, 15.6 million correspond to red and pink and the rest to white (9.3 mill hl). Three quarters of the wine stocks PDO are in Andalusia with 4.9 mill hl, La Rioja, 4.7 mil, 4.4 mil Catalonia, the Basque Country with 2.8 mill and Castilla-La Mancha 2.4 million hl. As for the grape stock by 2010/11, they reached 1,331,302 hl, of which one million hectoliters are white and the other red and pink. By the type of wine, 5% is concentrated grape juice, 4% rectified concentrated must and the remaining 91% corresponds to the category "other musts."

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